Just about a second,I've read an email that have been sent by AGLOCO about their stop distributing their earning.So,for those that don't receive the payment from AGLOCO after this,don't shout out that AGLOCO is a scam program because AGLOCO have mention it earlier.The reason they stop distributing the earning was because of their revenue does not enough to support operating costs.So,we should understand their condition and don't get mad at them.Always hope that AGLOCO will come back with another money making opportunity.
Below i've paste their email.Read them through..

Dear Faeiz,
We would like to update you on the status of AGLOCO's operations. We continue to believe in the AGLOCO concept, but our revenue is currently not sufficient to give Members a meaningful distribution. And though there are increases in membership, the resulting revenue is not enough to support operating costs. As a development team we are unable to continue to use our savings to fund the operations. If any Member would like to pursue continuing the operations of AGLOCO, you may contact us at agloco1@live.com .
We would like to thank every Member for supporting our effort to bring a piece of the Internet directly to the user. We hope that we can find a way to keep the operations going.
AGLOCO Development Team

I've read this article in my father's email (of course he knows about this,what do you think i am? a hackers? LOL) The article told about how to protect yourself from robbery at the ATM ( Automated Teller Machine) by using ecurity system that already exists since 2004 but we does not realize about it. You will totally shock after read all the article below and i hope you will use the system when you are in the trouble.

p/s: kids,don't play play with this system ha..Police will arrest you..hehe

This hoax email message informs recipients that, in an event of a robbery that
forces the victim to withdraw money from their ATM, the police can be secretly
alerted by entering the PIN in reverse.

There are claims that this kind of technology does exist; however, most banking
institutions have not implemented it, therefore, the chances of the victim
alerting the police by entering their PIN in reverse is apparently slim.

Joseph Zinger, the man behind the idea, has developed an ATM software called
SafetyPIN back in 1994. And since then, he had been attempting to sell the idea
to US banks but without success. In 2004, legislation was passed in the state of
Illinois requesting banks to use the said technology, though it is not a

The move in implementing this reverse PIN security scheme is still ongoing;
however, it is not advisable to abide by such an advice, since the possibility
of trying out this method on banks without the system installed could further
endanger the lives of the victims, as it could cause withdrawal delay. This
gives criminals enough reason for further implication of violence.

Original Message:

Subject: Reverse pin number to call police

I just found out that should you ever be forced to withdraw monies from an ATM
machine, you can notify the police by entering your Pin # in reverse. The
machine will still give you the monies you requested, but unkown to the robber,
etc, the police will be immediately dispatched to help you. The broadcast stated
that this method of calling the police is very seldom used because people don't
know it exists. It might mean the difference between life & death. Hopefully,
none of you will have to use this, but I wanted to pass it along just in case
you hadn't heard of it. Please pass it along to everyone possible.