Just about a second,I've read an email that have been sent by AGLOCO about their stop distributing their earning.So,for those that don't receive the payment from AGLOCO after this,don't shout out that AGLOCO is a scam program because AGLOCO have mention it earlier.The reason they stop distributing the earning was because of their revenue does not enough to support operating costs.So,we should understand their condition and don't get mad at them.Always hope that AGLOCO will come back with another money making opportunity.
Below i've paste their email.Read them through..

Dear Faeiz,
We would like to update you on the status of AGLOCO's operations. We continue to believe in the AGLOCO concept, but our revenue is currently not sufficient to give Members a meaningful distribution. And though there are increases in membership, the resulting revenue is not enough to support operating costs. As a development team we are unable to continue to use our savings to fund the operations. If any Member would like to pursue continuing the operations of AGLOCO, you may contact us at agloco1@live.com .
We would like to thank every Member for supporting our effort to bring a piece of the Internet directly to the user. We hope that we can find a way to keep the operations going.
AGLOCO Development Team

I've read this article in my father's email (of course he knows about this,what do you think i am? a hackers? LOL) The article told about how to protect yourself from robbery at the ATM ( Automated Teller Machine) by using ecurity system that already exists since 2004 but we does not realize about it. You will totally shock after read all the article below and i hope you will use the system when you are in the trouble.

p/s: kids,don't play play with this system ha..Police will arrest you..hehe

This hoax email message informs recipients that, in an event of a robbery that
forces the victim to withdraw money from their ATM, the police can be secretly
alerted by entering the PIN in reverse.

There are claims that this kind of technology does exist; however, most banking
institutions have not implemented it, therefore, the chances of the victim
alerting the police by entering their PIN in reverse is apparently slim.

Joseph Zinger, the man behind the idea, has developed an ATM software called
SafetyPIN back in 1994. And since then, he had been attempting to sell the idea
to US banks but without success. In 2004, legislation was passed in the state of
Illinois requesting banks to use the said technology, though it is not a

The move in implementing this reverse PIN security scheme is still ongoing;
however, it is not advisable to abide by such an advice, since the possibility
of trying out this method on banks without the system installed could further
endanger the lives of the victims, as it could cause withdrawal delay. This
gives criminals enough reason for further implication of violence.

Original Message:

Subject: Reverse pin number to call police

I just found out that should you ever be forced to withdraw monies from an ATM
machine, you can notify the police by entering your Pin # in reverse. The
machine will still give you the monies you requested, but unkown to the robber,
etc, the police will be immediately dispatched to help you. The broadcast stated
that this method of calling the police is very seldom used because people don't
know it exists. It might mean the difference between life & death. Hopefully,
none of you will have to use this, but I wanted to pass it along just in case
you hadn't heard of it. Please pass it along to everyone possible.

It's the happiest news for me and for sure for the other Internet Money Earners out there.Malaysian are able to withdraw their money from Paypal directly to their Debit Card/ Credit Card without having Us Bank Account is an amazing thing. I hope it will be permanent and I rather kill the person who make this utility vanished away.Haha.
This can improved the motivation of Malaysian and convinced Malaysian to earn Internet money.

Important for Malaysian : Paypal will charge USD5.oo for every transaction from PayPal to Credit or Debit Card.And the transaction will be complete in 5 to 7 days.

I recommend for you to use Public Bank Visa Debit Card to make the transaction.If you still dont have it,apply it at the nearest Public Bank branch. Only use Visa Debit or Credit card because all of my friends that use Visa card for the transaction was success.

I'm at Uitm Kelantan Library Internet Zone right now and do some research about adsense arbitrage and found out about the blog that discussing about the risks of using Adsense Arbitrage to gain profit from Google Adsense.
I want to remind you that,these risks could eat your profits! For someone that decide to use Adsense Arbitrage to gain profit may be should have a little read about the risks first because it will make you more prepared for the consequences. After you read about the risk and can sustain the risks,you may proceed with your plan.
But from my opinion,everything in this world will have risks even a little,so why don't you give it a try,right?
If you want to read about the article that i've describe in this article,you may click here.

Today i'm at my friends home at Kota Bharu,Kelantan.Just chillin' out right here and do some research on Adsense Arbitrage because some of people says that it is an effective method to earn more money than we spend it.

After a little read at GrayWolf SEOBlog,i've discovered that this method must have a quite planned strategy and understanding before involved in it.Maybe after this i'll try to do 'trial and error' about this Adsense Arbitrage.You can read about it at this link Adsense Arbitrage.

If you still dont have any idea about how to start this 'Adsense Arbitrage',maybe you can start by buying RinggitHit's F2R Ebook.In that ebook,he will teach you how to start this 'Adsense Arbitrage' and in extra,he provide lifetime Yahoo Messenger Support,by this way,he wil always help you if you're facing a problem regarding making money with Adsense Arbitrage method.

(Click on the above ebook cover if you intrested to find more about it)

Dear readers,
It's been a while there's no new post in this blog. I have a lot of work and assignment to complete recently.So right now i want to share something that will give benefit to all bloggers (specially adsensers).. it is BlogRush . BlogRush is blog syndication network that will help you to gain and increase more readers on your blog.

Intresting right?but what you should do? Follow this easy step.Firstly,go to
BLOGRUSH Website and right there will be a video that will show how BlogRush is operated and how it will benefit for you,bloggers! Register and copy&paste the code into your blog and see how it works for you! You can complete all the step within 5 minits.

I've got about BlogRush information after reading through an email that sent by Sukeri Mohamed in my email inbox (that usually filled with spam!).Thanks Sukeri,without your information,there will never be this post exist.

I think i'm not to late to wish "Happy Fasting" to all Muslim.Always hope we will gain His forgiveness in this Ramadhan Al-Mubarak month.Amin.

p/s:My Final exams are coming soon,Wish me luck.guys.

Like i have promised before,in this post I'll show you how to put meta tags to your Blog's HTML code.
Go to Template->Edit HTML and make a space below title tag (see previous post) and type

(click to enlarge the picture)

You can change the words that i have bold by your own words that suit your blog. There are some rumors said by using meta keywords tags, the advertising (adsense) that appears in our blog will depends on what we have type into our meta keywords tag. Is it true? Find it out in my next post.. See Ya~!

(Click 'Zoom' to see full-screen)
It's simple.Go to 'Template'->'Edit HTML' and find the title tag.Highlight the title tag started from opening title tag to closing title tag (see video). Then cut and paste exactly after head tag.The reason your title tag should be placed before all other tag is search engines may overlook it if you put the title tag after other tag. It will significantly damage your rankings.So do it now! On the next post,i'm gonna teach you how to put a meta tags. Stay tuned.. LOL!

Today i'm gonna talk about the important thing that every person should have when involving in online business.Do you know what is that important thing? Money? Wrong..money is not everything but everything need money. (Thanks to Labanon for this cool words !)
It is patience i'm gonna talk about right here. Right, without a patience, don't ever to think you gonna success in this online business,no matter what type of online business that you're running.
I've got the idea to post about this when my friend (better not to state who he is right here..) are giving up on his adsense after he not getting a good profit from adsense. But he has change his mind after take my advice to read 'Making money online with John Chow'. I hope who ever you are that read this article will have a patience when handling your business. Problem is given to us because God knows that we are able to manage that difficulty.. Think about it..

Don't Cheat On Adsense

Posted by Faeiz.com | 12:18 AM

On the previous post,I always to tell you what you should do and now I'm gonna change my direction (for now only..don't worry) I'm gonna tell you what are the things that you should not do when dealing with Google Adsense money making.

Firstly, NEVER Click your own ads! This is the reason 90% of adsense users get banned. NEVER DO IT BECAUSE IT'S TOTALLY CHEATING! Don't be so greedy if you want to success in this money making program.

Secondly,Do not alter the adsense code! If Google crawl(the terms crawl use by google meaning they check out your web/blog) to your ads and they have been changed, you will get banned!

Third,Do not encourage anyone to click your ads! Another very strong point google will ban you straight away for! Remember,they can trace your ID.

Then,Do not place ads on prohibited pages! Adult, Racist, Gambling and many more - Read Google's TOS for full list. Be a good person for a while to make money with Google even if you're naughty! :P

Always respond to google! If they contact you via email,reply to them immediately. Maybe they suspect you do the things that I listed above. This way,it will save your account.

Lastly,Don't use Popup's, Active X installations, Warez or Scripts! It's really wrong to use this when dealing with Adsense, so the answer is NO!

Those are the main list of things that you should not do,are you doing it right now? Immediately stop it before you lose your account and 'fly away' your money.If there is a prohibited list that I forgot to list above,leave me a comment. I'll appreciate that.

This is the first tutorial video that i made by myself.This tutorial video will teach you how to put adsense code into your blogger.There is no sound included,sorry.I hope this tutorial will be useful for you.Leave me some comment or suggestion about what video should I do next.Thanks.

length: 3min. 12sec.
format: AVI

For the new beginner,maybe you're confused with 'what is the connection between Google Adsense and Blogger.com' .I assume you have created both account (Google Adsense and Blogger) by now,if not, go and create them now. It wouldn't take you an hour to created both. :) And right now I'm gonna explain about what is the connection between both of them.Try to think both of them like television channel and advertising slot.Blogger is like television channel because we will place an advertising that created by you at Google Adsense web.So,did you see the relation? Both of them are important for you to make money online,without a medium(blog) you'll never have a place to put your advertising(adsense code).With this explanation, there is no reason why you should ask 'why do you should created both Google Adsense and Blogger account?' because I think this post will explain for you itself after you read it. Okay then,see you in the next post. Thanks for your time.

Have Some Times?

Posted by Faeiz.com | 10:32 PM

Today i've provided this blog with POOL that will collect basic information about this blog readers. Please participating by go to the POOL section on the left side corner of this blog and click 'refresh' like button (see the image above) at the POLL dashboard.Then answer the question given on the dashboard.I really appreciate your participation.Thank You.

How important is PayPal ?

Posted by Faeiz.com | 11:06 AM

PayPal is a largest and most famous payment gateway today.For the customers,PayPal may seems the same like other payment gateway as long as they get what they buy online,but is it the same to the online businessman? The answer is absolutely no. Without Paypal,a businessman will lose a million of customers around the world. To tell you the truth, i'm a little bit disappointed after knowing that there is no such way to direct deposit PayPal money in Malaysia. I've heard about accent card but lately there are no one talk about it anymore. I'm sure that all the online businessman that live in the country that have the same problem like I mention before will feel the same like I do.Did you?

And now I will share my own idea right here, I don't know if there is a person think about this method before me,but this will be the first time I will mention it on my blog.This method are exclusively for the citizen of the country that cannot deposit PayPal money direct to their own hand. If someday (come on,chase your dream!) you have a big amount of PayPal,what should do with it? You cannot deposit it right away right? so spend it on your hosting or domain,it'll be useful for you because you do not need to spend a money that you keep anymore. Secondly,you can make a little 'business' by help another person to buy something on the internet,with that, you can charge extra payment such as service charge. With this method,you can get you PayPal amount in cash and earn more profit by that 'little business'.

Give me some comment about this article. Maybe you know something that i don't even know. Let share it together. Knowledges are exist to let us share, not to keep.

If you dont have a website (including me!) to start earn profit from adsense,you may use free blog provider such as blogger. You can start a new account right here. There is another free blog provider such as wordpress.com,but if you use wordpress.com, you can not put your adsense into your blog. One more important things that you must not take for granted is you MUST NOT use free web hosting because most of them put their own adsense code as their advertising (maybe with that they earn a lot of money,who knows?), so you don't have a little chance to put your own adsense code.

Referring to the report that written by John Chow (one of the proBlogger), it will be better if you get your own domain (.com .org). With that way it will make your readers pay more 'attention' to what you write because you're a pro in what you write from their eyes.
You can download John Chow's e-book,titled "Making Money Online with John Chow" for from his blog. (For Free,Guys! Lucky for you, John Chow is not earn money by selling e-book but writing!)

Pick your own unique topic,start blogging and start earning money.

Types of Adsense.

Posted by Faeiz.com | 1:25 AM

There are three types of adsense, adsense for content (ad unit & link unit), adsense for search and Referrals.
In this post I will tell you briefly about this three types of adsense to let you understand how they work and how you can use them to earn profits.I'm sure you're familiar with pictures that shown below.The pictures below are the example of adsense,i will not put the real adsense down there because of Google Terms.Extra information,you can customize adsense colours and shapes to make it suitable with your web/blog.

1.Adsense for content (ad unit)
This type of adsense will show the title,short description,image (this is optional) and the URL of the advertisement.It can be vertical,horizontal and square format, depends on you to choose which one suitable for your web/blog.

:(click on picture to see clearly)

2.Adsense for content (link unit)
This type of adsense will showing only the title of the advertisement.It will be best if you put these type of adsense above the main column, your web visitor will click on this adsense if you blend adsense colour with the background of your web/blog.

Example:(click on picture to see clearly)

3.Adsense for search
Adsense for search is look like a search box that you see at google.com. You will earn an earnings from this type of adsense when the visitors search something with the search box and click on the results. If the visitor do not click the result that he/she search for, there is no money for you. Sorry.. :P

(click the picture to see clearly)

You will receive the commission if your visitor click and download/sign-ups from the referral button that you place in your web/blog.

Example: (Click the picture to see clearly)

It's done here..there is no.5 (for now maybe? LOL) I hope after you read this post,you'll understand more clearly how adsense works.See you later on the next post.The next post will be useful for you.

What Is Google Adsense?

Posted by Faeiz.com | 9:31 PM

Google is a well-known search engine and maybe most of you know about it,and some says 'Google already take over the world' hehe.But what most of you did not know is about Google Adsense.What is actually Google Adsense? Let me introduce to you this famous money making online that known by most 'gold digger' on the internet.

Google Adsense is an advertising program that launch by Google around 2003.Google AdSense is a free and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant Google ads on their website's content pages and earn money. Google Adsense is a great way for you to earn money online.It works like this,if your web/blog visitor click to your adsense,you will earn money,but the value of earnings that you earn depends on Google.It's simple as that.And the most important is, you can join this profit-making opportunity without spending a cent.You can sign up for google adsense at the top right corner of this blog.It will lead you to google adsense page and you can sign up right there.